Personal Injury

Seasoned Legal Professional Serving Construction Defect Victims

Construction site defects happen all too often with the surge in the demand for more infrastructure, and several experts predict that construction defects will become more of an issue as more construction companies cut corners in order to make deadlines. Construction and structural damages can result in millions of dollars in structural damages and can cause severe personal injury. When you have been injured due to a construction defect you may have a claim that can be recognized under Florida law, depending on different factors.

Cost of construction and tight deadlines have given rise to structural & construction defects. Experts state that this would only increase in the future. Defects in construction might not be visible immediately but would present itself in the future with high costs to fix. For example, a foundation problem would not be apparent for years but down the road it is when a family settles in that the foundation cracks.

If you or one of your family members have recently bought a house which was built recently in Florida and has structural and construction defects then the law in Florida clearly favors you. As a purchaser of the property, the home has to be fit to live in. It is something which is given and absolutely is your right. Now comes the tricky part, you need to know that even if there’s no signed contract with the seller which states that the home has no construction or structural defect and everything works as it should in a home, still law grants you the right to file a case against the seller to claim compensation for structural and constructions defects endangering the safety of your loved ones.

There’s a common misconception that the archaic “buyer-beware

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Hiring a lawyer may help you mitigate some of the expenses associated with an accident. When you hurt yourself because of a risk present on a private or commercial property, you will likely be faced with pain, lost work, limited ability, stress and medical bills. All of these items are the potential liability of the party responsible for maintaining the property. We are committed to helping our clients recover from the accident and achieve justice in their cases.

Type of construction defects include:

  • Structural Integrity
  • Expansive Soils
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Water Intrusion
  • Thermal and Moisture Protection
  • Lumber
  • Doors, Windows and Glass
  • Finishes
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